2 dalių mokymai: tyrimų išgyvenimo gidas su SYNTHESIS CONSULTING GROUP

2 dalių mokymai: tyrimų išgyvenimo gidas su SYNTHESIS CONSULTING GROUP

2022-11-15 16:00, Online | Dalyvauja: 30 Registracijos terminas: 2022-11-15




Although many organizations would agree that research is highly important for making strategic decisions, the majority do not manage to find the time and needed resources to actually carry out research projects. Even fewer organisations manage to squeeze the maximum value out of research and to apply insights in order to maximize a gain out of the budget spent.

This training cycle is a short guide for those who aim to develop a research practice and culture in their organizations despite budgetary, competence, time, support, or any other barrier.

During the training cycle you will learn:
 To identify and reason when and what kind of research is needed;
 To choose adequate research methodology and method;
 To choose adequate data analysis methods;
 To transfer data into insights and apply them in practice.

Training cycle dedicated to: the heads of marketing, brand, communication, and sales who wish to develop their competencies in market research.

The training will be in English!





Gailė Andriuškevičiūtė


Gailė Andriuškevičiūtė develops brand, product and business strategies for businesses in local and international markets. Coming from a traditional management consulting background with a financial and business specialization, she has worked on public sector projects and international business development plans, and now mainly advises international and Baltic organisations in the technology, B2B and financial sectors.


  Martin Aubel


Martin Aubel is a Data Lead at Synthesis Consulting Group where he translates data into business insights for strategic decision-making for start-up and corporate clients from the technology, logistics, telecommunications, and banking. Martin also pursues a PhD at ISM University of Management and Economics working at the intersection of consumer behaviour and technology exploring the effect of human-like service robots in bank service settings. His research has been presented at international conferences of the Society for Consumer Psychology and the European Marketing Association and published in academic journals.




  Elena Sinkevičiūtė


Elena Sinkevičiūtė is the Research Lead at the Synthesis Consulting Group. On daily basis, she designs and carries out research projects on everything from customer needs in new markets to customer behaviour in retail stores to better design retail and improve customer journey. Elena is a sociologist, researcher, and public policy developer.


The 2-part training cycle: research survival guide with SYNTHESIS CONSULTING GROUP consists of 2 sessions (in English):

November 15th November 22nd  

More information 

More information


Date and time: November 15th (Tuesday) 16:00-18:00

The first session is dedicated to discussing why research is important and where and how to begin conducting research.

During the training you will learn:
• What kind of research is important at different stages of organizational development?
 What type of research brings the best return on investment? What can I do alone?
• Where can others help me?
 How to realistically evaluate research budgets?
 How to do more with less?
 How to frame a problem and ask the right questions?
 How to get support for research initiatives?

The session will be led by: strategis Gailė Andriuškevičiūtė, group data lead Martin Aubel and research lead Elena Sinkevičiūtė. 


Date and time: November 22nd (Tuesday) 16:00-18:00

The second session is dedicated to discovering the principles of data analytics and learning how to gather actionable insights from data.

During the training you will learn:
• How to work with research data?
• How to get from data to insight?
• How to contextualize data?
• How to apply what you have learned?

The session will be led by: group data lead Martin Aubel and research lead Elena Sinkevičiūtė. 

Ticket price:




0 Eur*


70 Eur*




*For LiMA seminar subscriptions
owners: free of charge.



Buy a ticket


*For LiMA ambassador code
holders 20% discount.


Key information


Research survival guide


Training cycle

Date and time:

2022 m. November 15th and 22nd 16:00 - 18:00 val.


~ 2 h.


LiMA and Synthesis Consulting Group, info@lima.lt

Login link:

On the day of the event, the LiMA team will send participants the event link and login details via email and SMS

Participant fee:

Ticket price70 Eur
Buy a ticket →

Discounts are available for purchases of 3 tickets or more. For group tickets, please contact: info@lima.lt


For LiMA members: FREE 

Registration for LiMA members →


Are you a marketing, business development, commercial and/or related professional or manager?  
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LiMA seminar subscription holders: FREE


3-month seminar subscription - 65 EUR (VAT included)

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